Having returned from the Bahamas, and all the rain we received there over last few weeks, we find ourselves in Key West in what has to be one of the rainiest months in many years. The average yearly rainfalls for here is just over 39″ with the month of May average of like 3.0″ and June being 4.1″. So far this month of May alone, Key West total is 14.1″ of rain. In one month! And for those that think that isn’t that bad, Seattle Washington record rainfalls last year only totaled 47″. Thats almost 18″ for the year, and we just started the rainy season. On Sunday alone, we got 3.25″, an all time record rainfall for Key West since records started being kept in the last 1800’s. So right now, move over Seattle. Where’s my sunshine and blue skies? Looking to see if mushrooms are growing in the cockpit! And is that rice patties spouting in the vberth? At this rate, gonna trade the suntan lotion for raincoats and umbrellas and not talking the little ones in drinks!